The pluriethnic and multicultural microcosm of Istria is a meeting point and a point of constant contact, exchange, permeation, and transformation, but also the maintenance of continuity of the musical cultures of the Croats, Slovenes, Italians, Istro-Romanians and Peroj-Montengrins as autochtonous ethnic groups. The Istrian modus vivendi that translates multiculturality to authentic, everyday culture can be defined as an articulate and unique system of historical, ethnic, cultural and linguistic shades that marks and determines the specific quality of Istria in relation to most of Croatian, Slovenian, and Italian, but also many other European areas.
It is not the mere sum of different cultural substances, which, by historical circumstances, exist one next to each other, but it is more a centuries-long, spiritually-cultural sedimentation and intertwinement in which, what is special productively comes up from specific unity of cultural differences. Because of true intercultural communication, multicultural facts are not made distinctive but only being recognized.